In 40 years I've only seen one set of these cars, here's a picture of the caboose. The other two cars all had the white litho and were the gondola and the box car. We weren't sure where to put this one, it's one gauge size, it has a floor train base and High Marklin O gauge trucks. We think it was originally a floor toy that was converted to O gauge.
In 40 years I haven't seen a single 9" freight car with with a floor train frame and wheels. If someone has some, we'd love to get pictures of them.
No. 164 box car the one pictured above is red with black lettering, it has the number 164 on it. The example below uses an older No. 64 body and is a blue / gray with black lettering and is similar to the early pre-1910 No. 64 Lighter cream with brown lettering, unusual white roof. This car came in a set as the caboose with the cupola roof, but it used the box car lithograph. It's a very late one that has the 164 number on it, almost all of these cars are numbered 64. No. 165 Stock Car; above example in red, the car below is almost a drab olive green. No. 166 Tank Car - red above, light brown below. No. 163 Gondola in cream above. Below is one in a strange shade of gray Here's a No. 163 in red and we've also seen a green one. Here's a lithographed version left over from the princess base No. 63s. No. 126 caboose, note it uses the 126 body instead of the 67 body. This one is similar to the late No. 126 Caboose. Below is the same caboose in red. Just to prove that there might not be two of these that are exactly the same, this one has the lighter green roof and cupola roof. The example below sold as a caboose although it has a box car body.
No. 153 Gondola in red (also known to come in green & cream) This cream gondola with light green wood grain litho appears to have been made only as a floor train model. The No. 154 is on the litho, which uses the same design as the track versions- this is one of only 2 examples of this car we've ever located. The side view below shows that this car was actually two pieces that were tabbed together at each end, the car is very flimsy and it's not surprising that no others have survived. Same Lithograph in brown/cream, although found with track wheels, it has the floor train number and base. Early example above that uses the old No. 53 body, later example below that uses the actual 153 lithograph. No. 155 Stock Car, brown frame above and green frame below. The car actually stamped No. 155 below is quite different when compared to the earlier track version No. 156 Caboose Set No. 304 Circa 1912 |
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