Anyone who's seen the 1929 or 1930 catalog will recognize the 'Grand Central Terminal' from the Ives Showroom. What you won't recognize is the model sitting next to the display holding the the various railroad schedules. As you can see from this original photograph that the promotional dept decided they wanted to make sure everyone fixated on the trains and not the model. We're not sure how this photograph was used, but as we all know it's 'Ives Toys that make Happy Boys' and Ives Girls were not part of the picture. We're including the photographers credit from the back of the photo below just in case they're still around and holding the copyrights. Thanks to John Schleicher who rediscovered this photo and the lovely model who was cut right out of Ives history.
The Ives Train Society PO Box 488, Victoria VA ● 23974 ●
©opyright 2009 InsiteDzine