No 32 (0-4-0)    (Circa 1921-28)

Circa 1922 - note "N.Y.C.&H.R. lettering, red steps, nickel trim with full complement of 24 cotter pins and "32" stamped on each side near end.

Circa 1923-24, salmon color, dark green rubber stamped lettering, has full complement of 24 cotter pins but "32" stamped ONLY under right window NOT on ends, example below has gold stamping and has the number stamped on both ends

Circa 1925-26 - Note the stamping now reads '32 MOTOR' on right - this is indicative of rubber stamping done in 1925 and later as it mimics the lettering on the brass plates. Also note the reduction in cotter pins used for hand rails from 24 to 12 - note only one cotter pin used on each grab rail and two on each end.

There is no number anywhere on this loco, but it was found in Set No. 22 which contained a 32 and three 60 series cars. This is a 1928 version of the No. 32 using a 3254 shell and frame (the frame on this one had disentigrated) with a wind up motor. Just shows what Ives was willing to do in 1928 to complete items for sale.

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