563  Gravel Car    (Circa 1913-17)


Circa 1913-14 - The first two years this was actually cataloged as a No. 553, Ives changed the number to 563 in 1915, but it always came with 63 lithographed on the body. The early type I "leafy spring" frame was used exclusively for at least 1913 and 1914. Somewhere between 1915 and 1918 Ives started using the later type II frame (see below) on most of these cars. It becomes confusing as it appears Ives used both frames for a couple years and even used some of these early frames as late as 1922-23. The one above is dark green with with lettering. The above car does appear to be one of the earliest though with it's coloring and rivet couplers

Early frame with the light gray litho body. This body color was probably first used in 1915 or 1916. As noted above the presence of the early frame does not necessary indicate and early car.

Early Bright green body on later Type II frame.  Below is a side view showing this car is duller green. Note the lettering and trim above is yellow/gold, while it is silver/white below.

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