57 Lumber car  (Circa 1915-30)

black with red stakes

 Circa 1915-18 - Earliest version of late frame lumber car, has black frame with maroon stakes. Note blackened wheels, usually indicative of early production on this frame.


No 57 lumber car in maroon

light brown

No 57 lumber car in brown, below is a similar car with it's original box - circa 1925

Late No. 57 lumber in light green

Circa 1928-30 - We have labeled this car as late due to the faint frame stamping and the rubber stamped lettering on the actual lumber itself. "THE IVES R.R." is usually only see after the Lionel buyout.

Circa 1929-30 - Unusual dark brown color with practically no spring detail on the frame. This car also has a late coupler that has been cut and riveted on.

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