The Ives Train Society Membership Application

The Ives Train Society
P.O. Box 72
Forestville, NY 14062


The Ives Train Society was formed in January of 1935. Kenneth R. Baldwin, Alfred Alain, Frances Cook and Edward Hoffman formed this organization to promote the Ives Toy Trains ownership. To foster friendship among the hobby and to allow the Ives Toys to endure. Ives Toys are among the finest toys produced in the World.

New Members - $10.00 set-up fee plus Membership fee of $20.00 annually

Queries to the Society should be accompanied by a large self-addressed postage paid envelope.

Membership includes 4 publications a year, full color volumn in December.

Name _______________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth ______   E-Mail ______________________________________________

Address _________________________________________  

Phone ___________________

City __________________________________  State ________  Zipcode ___________

How did you hear about the Society?

Comments --

Signature __________________________________________________________________