B & O National Limited

This train set is one of 25 specially ordered by the President of the B & O Railroad in 1928. He gave them out at Christmas time to Executives with children and Presidents of other Railroads that had children. The set is modeled on the B&O's new President Class locomotives, which were new in 1927. The National Limited was one of two crack passenger trains the B & O had at that time. All photographs are compliments of Randy Berger and are copyrighted.

The entire set as made with a 1928 style 1134 die cast steamer and three American Flyer bodied cars. The motor has been replaced on the engine and the Engineer was added later.

All three cars carried the Baltimore and Ohio plates at the top.

The observation had a rather unique drumhead that clipped to the back of the observation deck. The drumhead reads National / Limited with the Baltimore and Ohio logo in the middle.

The combine cars were also rubber stamped 'The National Limited' on either side.

Club car showing the etched Baltimore and Ohio plate.

The tender was also fitted with an unique Baltimore and Ohio R.R. plate.

The engine plate on the cab was framed in gold with a red cartouche. The brass plate read Pres. Washington.

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