Lionel Production Electric Locomotives (1931-1932)

This one has black etched plates.

Circa 1931-1932 - IVES No. 10 (above) and No. 10E (below), identical to Lionel production except for the plates.

Red etched plates


Close up of No. 10 showing the black plates.

The bottom of a No. 10 showing the motor plate.

Original box with insert for No. 10.

Circa 1932 - The only unique locomotive sold by IVES after the move to New Jersey. Reproductions have been made by several manufacturers and there are many more repros out there than originals.

This is a Lionel No. 8E, but notice the slot on top for the IVES waffle reverse switch. This cab was original stamped out to be an IVES engine.